For the employees, it’s an easy way to fit exercise into your working day and a low-cost alternative to gym or studio classes.
We come to you… so no excuses! Classes can be held during a lunch break, before or after work.
For employers, providing exercise classes for your staff is proven to increase productivity and improve the general well-being of your employees.
Benefits of providing exercise opportunities for your staff:
Exercising during the working day improves productivity by re-energising your staff and increasing concentration
Classes provide internal networking opportunities
Lower rates of absenteeism and greater staff retention
A positive image for your company
General positive impact on your staff’s health and wellbeing
Can help decrease stress levels and reduce back pain and headaches.
Option 1 – Company funds class
This could be part of your organisation’s employee benefits package and health and wellness strategy. It’s a low-cost, simple way to show company commitment to your employee’s health and well-being. An alternative to gym membership subsidy.
Option 2 – Subsidise the class for your employees
The company pays an amount towards the class. This could be included as part of your company employee benefits package. This would decrease the cost to your employees and show company commitment to their wellbeing.
Option 3 – Employees pay for the class
Simply nominate one person to organise collecting payment ahead of the classes (block bookings to keep it simple). This is still a low-cost option for your employees.
Type of Classes
Choose between Yoga, Pilates, Fit dance, HIIT, Stretching, Body Conditioning and more!
We only required Mats (for Yoga, Pilates and stretching classes) and a space in your office (conference room, lobby, etc). The company or students will need to provide these.
An alternative to the mat is a thick towel if there is a carpeted floor.
solfitdance@gmail.com / +44 7922 46 8089
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